Gene mutation points to new way to fight diabetes, obesity, heart disease

Researchers say they have discovered a gene mutation that slows the metabolism of sugar in the…

Maximizing the carbon and biodiversity benefits of restoration along rivers and streams

Restoring forests has become a world-wide strategy for simultaneously addressing the challenges of climate change and…

Scientists mimic the earliest stages of human development

Human embryos start as a tiny mass of cells that are all the same. The first…

Rapid, widespread changes may be coming to Antarctica’s Dry Valleys, study finds

Antarctica's sandy polar desert, the McMurdo Dry Valleys, has undergone changes over the past decade and…

Scientists go ‘back to the future,’ create flies with ancient genes to study evolution

Scientists at New York University and the University of Chicago have created fruit flies carrying reconstructed…

Freeloaders beware: Incentives to foster cooperation are just around the corner

In our society, there are always a certain percentage of people who adopt a freeloader attitude.…

World cybercrime shifts to state-backed hackers: Russian group

The latest innovations in cybercrime have shifted from financially motivated actors to state-backed hackers focussed on…

Whale calf rescued from shark net near Australian coast

It look two hours to free the new-born humpback whale, off Australia's Gold Coast.

NASA head: Space station hole cause will be determined

The head of the U.S. space agency said Tuesday that he's sure that investigators will determine…

How European cities are battling diesel-polluted air

A Berlin court ruled Tuesday that older diesel cars must be banned from some major roads…