Becoming promiscuous to ensure reproduction

Females of a socially monogamous passerine, the Japanese great tit (Parus minor), become more promiscuous after…

Time-traveling illusion tricks the brain

Researchers have developed two new illusions that reveal how the senses can influence each other --…

The many structures of the light-active biomolecules

Some molecules change their spatial structure when exposed to light -- in other words, they look…

Newly discovered moth named Icarus sports a flame-shaped mark and prefers high elevations

A new species of owlet moth recently discovered to inhabit high-elevation mountains in western North America…

Lessons from Dutch geological history might be useful for other present-day deltas

Even long before medieval inhabitants reclaimed land and raised dykes at a large scale, humans have…

A pheromone-sensing gene that predates land-dwelling vertebrates

Scientists have discovered a gene that appears to play a vital role in pheromone sensing. The…

Even when presented with facts, supported by evidence, many choose not to believe them

In an era of fact-checking and "alternative facts," many people simply choose not to believe research…

Even when presented with facts, supported by evidence, many choose not to believe them

In an era of fact-checking and "alternative facts," many people simply choose not to believe research…

Investigation of Silver Biocide as a Disinfection Technology for Spacecraft-An Early Literature Review [STUB]

Abstract: An ideal spacecraft water disinfection system should prevent or control microbial growth, inhibit or prevent…

You can improve your spatial skills with training: study

Do you marvel at your friend's ability to assemble complex IKEA furniture and navigate a new…