SMC Stands Up New Launch Systems Enterprise Directorate

The Space and Missile Systems Center’s newest directorate, the Launch Systems Enterprise Directorate (SMC/LE), stood up at a ceremony held at Los Angeles Air Force Base on Oct. 14. Under the leadership of Dr. Claire Leon, the new directorate brings together the Launch Systems Directorate and the Rocket Systems Launch Program (which formerly fell under SMC’s Advance Systems and Development Directorate at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.).

“Until today, the Air Force has procured and executed space launch capabilities through two separate organizations within SMC – RSLP and SMC/LR.  This created the potential for ambiguity among our stakeholders and a disconnect in our acquisition strategy,” said Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves, Air Force Program Executive Officer for Space and SMC commander.  “Today, we unify Air Force space launch capabilities under one directorate to synchronize our acquisition activities.”