Tim Peake Sandringham School Contact

Sandringham School pupils with Foundation certificates - Credit VARC Greg Beacher M0PPG

Sandringham School pupils with Foundation certificates – Credit VARC Greg Beacher M0PPG

The first Amateur Radio school contact by UK astronaut Tim Peake GB1SS from the International Space Station (ISS) will take place on Friday, January 8, 2016 at 0847 GMT with students at Sandringham School, St. Albans in Hertfordshire. The school will use the call sign GB1SAN.

The St. Albans based Verulam Amateur Radio Club (VARC) ran a ‘Foundation Licence’ course in December. Three of the candidates were pupils from Sandringham School who took the course in preparation for the contact with Tim Peake.

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) logo

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) logo

The ISS HamTV will not be available for the Sandringham School contact because the ISS Digital Amateur Television (DATV) system will be turned off to permit other experiments.

You’ll be able to listen to Tim Peake GB1SS on the 145.800 MHz FM downlink with a simple handheld radio or you can listen online by using the SUWS WebSDR radio at http://websdr.suws.org.uk/

Tim Peake ISS School Contacts Announced http://amsat-uk.org/2015/12/15/tim-peake-iss-school-contacts-announced/

Verulam Amateur Radio Club http://www.verulam-arc.org.uk/