ISS Daily Summary Report – 2/16/2017

Transition to (X2) R15 Software:  As part of the R15 software transition, the Starboard 1 (S1) and Port 1 (P1) Multiplexer/Demultiplexers (MDMs) were transitioned to updated software S1P1 R6. Updates to the S1 and P1 MDMs include:  Longeron Fault Detection Isolation & Recovery (FDIR) updates to protect for Beta Gimbal Assembly (BGA) stall conditions Thermal Radiator Rotary Joint (TRRJ) shutdown sequence improvements TRRJ Toothcrash Recovery update This completed the X2R15 software load. Robonaut Troubleshooting: Today the crew continued with the debugging of the Robonaut Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect (CPCI) Power Supply fault. These activities built upon the troubleshooting performed on February 1 and other previous operations to remove cables, computer cards and investigate the intermittent fault the Robonaut is currently experiencing. Removal of all cards and an inspection of the CPCI chassis, where the computer cards were previously located, may also be required. Robonaut is a humanoid robot designed with the versatility and dexterity to manipulate hardware, work in high risk environments, and respond safely to unexpected obstacles. Robonaut is comprised of a torso with two arms and a head, and two legs with end effectors that enable the robot to translate inside the ISS by interfacing with handrails and seat track. Robonaut is currently operated inside the ISS; in the future, it will perform tasks both inside and outside the ISS. The Robonaut Teleoperations System enables Robonaut to mimic the motions of a crewmember wearing specialized gloves, a vest and a visor providing a three-dimensional view through Robonaut’s eyes. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Logistics Installation: The crew continued to install the readers and antennas today, in the Node 2 module.  Due to cable routing issues, the crew was unable to fully mate the power cables to all of the deployed equipment.  Ground teams are looking into potential work-arounds and corrective actions.  Cabling issues identified yesterday were corrected and the deployed antennas and readers in the Lab and Node 1 are all nominal. The RFID Logistics experiment aims to utilize RFID enabled tags on hardware throughout the ISS, and assist in the tracking of the hardware as it is moved around the station.  Google Street View: After having a conference with ground support teams, the crew configured on-board digital cameras with a fisheye lens to capture 360 degree images of the Cupola, Node 3, and PMM modules.  Additional ISS modules will be mapped to provide an imaged topology to be used for educational community outreach. Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations:  Overnight, the Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the MSS and maneuvered the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to stow the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) on Mobile Base System (MBS) Power Data Grapple Fixture 2 (PDGF2). Then the SSRMS was walked off MBS PDGF1 onto Node2 PDGF. Finally, SSRMS was maneuvered to the Offset Grapple Park position for the SpX-10 Crew Offset grapple practice. MSS performance today was nominal. SpaceX-10 (SpX-10) On-Board Training (OBT) Offset Grapple Practice: Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the Mobile Serving System (MSS) and performed a SpX-10 Offset Grapple practice session. Ground Controllers also performed the MSS Pre-Launch Checkouts. The USOS crew practiced maneuvering the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) into the grapple envelope of the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture (FRGF). After the Offset Grapples Practice session, the crew participated in a conference with ground specialists. Robotics ground controllers then maneuvered the SSRMS to the Rendezvous Park Position in preparation for SpX-10 capture on February 20th. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Nikon still camera sync with station time Audit of Crew Onboard Support Kit (КСПЭ) Equipment Robonaut Node 2 Camcorder Video Setup Robonaut Lab Camcorder Video Setup Robonaut CPCI Fault Backpanel UDOD. Experiment Ops with DYKNANIYE-1 and SPRUT-2 Sets ARED Crank Handle Cap Screw Torque Google Street View Procedure Review Google Street View Crew Conference Google Street View Node 3 Camcorder Video Setup HRF Generic Urine Collection Cleaning FGB ЦВ1 Circulation Fan Screens Google Street View Cupola Photo Operations HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion Operations HRF Generic Urine Collection Stow Vacuum cleaning of ВТ7 screens on ГЖТ4 behind FGB panel 108 Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (TEPC) Reorientation HRF Ultrasound Battery Removal Dose Tracker Data Entry Subject Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation Dose Tracker Data Entry Subject Photo of the Crisstal experiment and Trash МО-21. Data Analysis (Sample1) Robonaut CPCI Fault Backpanel ESA Weekly crew conference Audit of Crew Onboard Support Kit (КСПЭ) Equipment МО-3. Physical Fitness Evaluation (on the treadmill) On-board Training (OBT) Dragon Offset Grapple Onboard Training (OBT) SSRMS Debrief Conference On-board Training (OBT) Dragon Attached Phase Operations Review CONTENT. Experiment Ops MSG MLC Software Load Fundoscope Prep Multi Omics Item Gathering Space Headaches – Weekly Questionnaire Fundoscope Eye Exam Fundoscope Tear Down and Stow Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill  Completed Task List Items Radio Frequency Identification Logistics Install Manufacturing Device Print Removal, Clean and Stow SPHERES USB Stow Veggie 03 Pillow Watering Exploration New Earth – Life Support Exploration New Earth – Stowage JPM1OA5 Lamp Housing Assembly (LHA) Replacement LAB1OP5 SSLA Install  Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. X2R15 Software transition – PL and LA-1 MDMs Three-Day Look Ahead: Friday, 02/17: Dragon ROBoT Session, Cubesat Deployer Install Saturday, 02/18: Weekly Housekeeping, Crew Off Duty, SpaceX-10 Launch Sunday, 02/19: Crew Off Duty QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:     Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Standby Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Off Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Full Up