Learning historical thinking with oral history interviews

Working with oral histories in schools has become very popular in Germany, the United States and many other countries. Eyewitnesses of the past are able to deliver authentic accounts of events in their lives which affect students more deeply than written texts. Furthermore, teachers hope that working with eyewitnesses encourages students to work like historians and, for example, to critically question their sources. But there is also criticism of this method. On the one hand, memory is a reconstructive process which can be influenced by many factors. Thus, individual memories can be distorted and romanticized by one’s social environment and post hoc information. On the other hand, the aura and authenticity of the eyewitnesses can result in an uncritical acceptance of their accounts. As a study conducted at the University of Tübingen shows, students enjoy learning with a live eyewitness much more than working with a video or the transcript of an interview, but they are in danger of learning less. The results have now been published in the American Educational Research Journal.