Kelt-16b: A Highly Irradiated, Ultra-Short Period Hot Jupiter Nearing Tidal Disruption [STUB]

Abstract: We announce the discovery of KELT-16b, a highly irradiated, ultra-short period hot Jupiter transiting the relatively bright (visual magnitude equals 11.7) star TYC 2688-1839-1/KELT-16. A global analysis of the system shows KELT-16 to be an F7V star with effective temperature equal to 6236 plus or minus 54 degrees Kelvin, log g (sub asterisk) equal to 4.253 from plus 0.031 to minus 0.036, [Fe/H] equal to minus 0.002 from plus 0.086 to minus 0.085, mass (sub asterisk) equal to 1.211 from plus 0…