SRB Systems Testing, Program Meeting Today

At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, teams will disconnect ordnance on space shuttle Discovery’s solid rocket boosters, or SRBs, and perform a test of the system’s pyrotechnic initiator controller. Technicians will reconnect the ordnance for the SRBs and the ground umbilical carrier plate, or GUCP, today. Crews also will perform open and closed loop range safety checks.

The Space Shuttle Program will review the analysis and repairs that are required to safely launch shuttle Discovery on its STS-133 mission during a special Program Requirements Control Board session today. Pending a successful review of the flight rationale at that meeting, a Launch Status Briefing would be held with senior NASA management on Monday, Nov. 29 at Kennedy.

Kennedy’s “Call-to-Stations” to begin the launch countdown will be no earlier than Nov. 30, supporting a first launch attempt no earlier than Dec. 3 at 2:52 a.m. EST.