Huginn launch

On 09:27 CEST (08:27 BST), 26 August 2023, Crew-7 was launched to the International Space Station inside Crew Dragon spacecraft Endurance from lLaunch pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA. 

Crew-7 consists of ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, taking the role of Dragon spacecraft pilot, NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli is commander, Satoshi Furukawa from JAXA and Konstantin Borisov from Roscomos are mission specialists. 

Andreas isAs pilot of Crew-7, where he will Andreas takes one of the two middle seats withnext to commander Jasmin Moghbeli and monitors the Dragon’s systems and performance during the journey to the International Space Station.  

The Huginn mission is Andreas’s second mission spaceflight to the International Space Station after his 10-day ‘iriss’ mission in 2015.  

When the Crew Dragon spacecraft Endurance and Crew-7 docks with the International Space Station, Andreas’s Huginn mission starts. Meaning ‘thought’ and originating from the raven of the Norse god Odin, the name brings together the story of the raven Huginn flying into the world to gather information, just as Andreas will go to International Space Station and collect information through for science.  

Andreas will conduct more than 30 science and technology demonstrationsexperiments during his Huginn mission, which are divided into three pillars: cClimate, health, and space for Earth. 

You can follow Andreas and his Huginn mission on the Huginn mission page, on Andreas’s social media channels and ESA’s social media. 

Click here for original story, Huginn launch

Source: ESA Top Multimedia