Launch Schedule of X-band defense communication satellite-3 aboard the 4th H3 Launch Vehicle (H3 F4) [Rescheduled]

Launch Schedule of X-band defense communication satellite-3
aboard the 4th H3 Launch Vehicle (H3 F4) [Rescheduled]

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) had scheduled the launch of the 4th H3 Launch Vehicle (H3 F4: Flight No.4) with X-band defense communication satellite-3 onboard from the Tanegashima Space Center on October 20, 2024.

However, as the launch of the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.49 was postponed from the original schedule due to weather reasons, the launch date of the H3 F4 has been changed as follows;

Launch date : October 26, 2024
Launch Window : 15:44 (JST) through 17:30 (JST)

 *The time is the 24-hour clock
Reserved Launch Period : October 27 through November 30, 2024
Launch site : Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the JAXA Tanegashima Space Center

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