Team Vandenberg gets dirty, makes flight line safer

At first you think the worst part is the mosquitoes, or maybe it’s the ticks. Then you realize that your socks are soaked. Add that to the cold, the intermittent misty drizzle, the mud, the impossibly gray sky, the rodents and the general sense of gloom and you’ve got the perfect setting for a dirty job.

On March 16, Colonel Richard Boltz, the 30th Space Wing commander, and Chief Master Sergeant Michelle Sobel, the 30th Medical Group superintendant, joined members of Vandenberg Air Force Base’s Airfield Operations Flight and the Vandenberg Hot Shots to take on one of the dirtiest jobs Vandenberg has to offer: Clearing out the thick problematic brush around the flightline with a beastly piece of heavy machinery affectionately nicknamed “The Masticator.” With so many units involved, this task proved to be a true team effort.