“Super Shuttle” Sunday on Target!

Loading of space shuttle Endeavour’s fuel cells on Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center was completed early this morning. Cryogenics currently are being offloaded to provide the correct ascent performance margin for the shuttle’s climb to orbit.

Meanwhile, the STS-130 astronauts will spend the day reviewing flight plans in their crew quarters at the Operations and Checkout Building. Later, Commander George Zamka and Pilot Terry Virts will take to the skies in their T-38 training jets.

The forecast has improved to an 80 percent "go" for launch and clear weather also is expected at the transoceanic abort landing sites in Spain and France.

Tomorrow night, NASA TV will air the fueling of Endeavour’s external tank beginning at 7 p.m. EST and available at www.nasa.gov/ntv.

At 11:30 p.m., live launch coverage will kick off on NASA TV. You also can follow space shuttle Endeavour’s exciting countdown to launch with NASA’s Launch Blog from inside Firing Room 3 at Kennedy’s Launch Control Center.

The STS-130 prelaunch news conference will be aired at 11 a.m. this morning on NASA TV. Scheduled participants include Mike Moses, shuttle launch integration manager, Bernardo Patti, ESA’s International Space Station program manager, Mike Leinbach, shuttle launch director, and Kathy Winters, shuttle weather officer.