K&C PALSAR 50m Orthorectified Mosaic Product

Seen from Space : New Airports in Asia

JAXA Astronaut Activity Report, November 2009

QZS-1 Vibration Test succesfully completed

Hayabusa about to enter into Earth’s gravity sphere

Kakuda Space Center, revision

Seen from Space : Narita and Haneda: Two Airports in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

Seen from Space: Narita and Haneda: Two Airports in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

International Symposium on WINDS Applications 2010

[release] Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite “KIZUNA” (WINDS) International Symposium –Asia-Pacific Area Linked by KIZUNA —

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the National Institute of Information and Communi