Let’s map our DNA and save billions each year in health costs

A scientist has called for Australia to embrace pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing to deliver medication more effectively…

First pregnancy after robot-assisted uterus transplant

Research on uterine transplantation is now supported by robotic surgery. This change has made operating on…

Stick insect study shows the significance of passive muscle force for fast movements

Zoologists have gained new insights into the motor function of limbs of different sizes.

Two billion birds migrate over Gulf Coast

A new study combining data from citizen scientists and weather radar stations is providing detailed insights…

By using recorded audio feedback academics can reduce workload mentally and physically

Academics experience that by using the Recorded Audio Feedback (RAF) in higher education they can give…

Lifting the veil on star formation in the Orion Nebula

Astronomers describe their discovery that stellar wind from a newborn star in the Orion Nebula is…

Sunscreen and cosmetics compound may harm coral by altering fatty acids

Although sunscreen is critical for preventing sunburns and skin cancer, some of its ingredients are not…

Parental CPTSD increases transmission of trauma to offspring of Tutsi genocide survivors

Nearly 25 years after the genocide against the Tutsi of Rwanda took the lives of up…

New technique offers rapid assessment of radiation exposure

Researchers have developed a new technique that allows them to assess radiation exposure in about an…

How words get an emotional meaning

Everyday objects and people have an emotional meaning. A wool sock might have an emotional value…