Nasa’s Voyager 2 probe ‘leaves the Solar System’

Voyager 2, a space probe launched in 1977, becomes only the second human-made object to enter…

Jonathan’s Space Report 2018 Dec 9

Jonathan's Space Report 2018 Dec 9

Jonathan’s Space Report 2018 Dec 9

Jonathan's Space Report 2018 Dec 9

Increasing seal population will not harm largest fish stocks in the Baltic

It has long been debated whether the seal predation of fish plays a major role in…

Banned toxins passed from mother to young in European dolphins

Dolphins in the northern Adriatic contain high levels of PCBs – highly toxic chemicals banned in…

NOAA SWPC Space Weather Outlook #18-50 2018 December 10

NOAA SWPC Space Weather Outlook #18-50 2018 December 10

NOAA SWPC Space Weather Outlook #18-50 2018 December 10

NOAA SWPC Space Weather Outlook #18-50 2018 December 10

Parent and grandparent relationships play an important role in encouraging altruistic acts – new research

There are conflicting ideas about the role of the family in wider society. Some, particularly in…

A model system for perennial grasses

Researchers have developed a genomic model to study drought tolerance in perennial grasses using Panicum hallii…

Helpful microbes inhale carbon dioxide through a porous cylindrical electrode and exude useful chemicals

Microbes could become key allies in global efforts to curb carbon emissions and avoid dangerous climate…