Copycat sea slugs vary in toxicity and taste

University of Queensland-led research found sea slugs that mimic the colours of other slugs to scare…

Study suggests three periods of global warming slowdown since 1891 due to natural temporary causes

A team of researchers from the U.K., Sweden and Australia has found that three periods of…

Study suggests three periods of global warming slowdown since 1891 due to natural temporary causes

A team of researchers from the U.K., Sweden and Australia has found that three periods of…

Retrofitting roofs in Pennsylvania’s Rust Belt

The dramatic deindustrialization of much of Pennsylvania during the 1980s and 1990s left many areas of…

Retrofitting roofs in Pennsylvania’s Rust Belt

The dramatic deindustrialization of much of Pennsylvania during the 1980s and 1990s left many areas of…

Warm water creeps into otherwise-calm Central Pacific

After a mild La Niña late last year, temperatures, convection and rainfall rates in the equatorial…

Warm water creeps into otherwise-calm Central Pacific

After a mild La Niña late last year, temperatures, convection and rainfall rates in the equatorial…

Searching the sea, and bacterial battles, for new antibiotics

Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin—the world's first natural antibiotic—is famously told as a story of serendipity:…

Searching the sea, and bacterial battles, for new antibiotics

Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin—the world's first natural antibiotic—is famously told as a story of serendipity:…

Study of Google search histories reveals relationship between anti-Muslim and pro-ISIS sentiment in U.S.

A trio of researchers from Duke University and the University of California has found that Google…