Making milestones against non-small cell lung cancer

Progress concerning lung cancer has been enormous in the past 20 years, according to a new…

Breakthrough could lead to better antipsychotic drugs

Although antipsychotic drugs are among the most widely prescribed medications, individuals with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and…

New type of virus found in the ocean

Researchers have identified a new type of virus that is abundant in the world's oceans but…

Earth’s core and mantle separated in a disorderly fashion

Plumes of hot rock surging upward from the Earth's mantle at volcanic hotspots contain evidence that…

First complete genome assembly of planarian flatworm reveals treasure trove on function and evolution of genes

The planarian flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea is an extraordinary animal. Even when cut into tiny pieces, each…

Decoding the Axolotl genome: Insights into tissue regeneration

The sequencing of the largest genome to date lays the foundation for novel insights into tissue…

Blast, bubble and brain injury

Researchers have used supercomputers to simulate how bubbles caused by explosions may damage neurons in the…

Eating insects might seem yucky, but they are nutritious and there is no reason you can’t

Almost all living primates still have working versions of the gene needed to produce a stomach…

Fat cat? Here’s how much to feed to lose weight

Does your cat lay around all day, only getting up to eat and visit the litter…

Engineers develop flexible, water-repellent graphene circuits for washable electronics

Nanoengineers are finding new ways to use graphene printing technology. A new research paper describes how…