Natural evolutionary strategy boosts quantum computing performance

A team of researchers led by Yumin Dong of Chongqing Normal University has developed a novel…

How can the use of plastics in agriculture become more sustainable?

It is impossible to imagine modern agriculture without plastics. 12 million tons are used every year.…

Copper-based catalysts efficiently turn carbon dioxide into methane

Technologies for removing carbon from the atmosphere keep improving, but solutions for what to do with…

Machine learning unravels mysteries of atomic geometry

New research has used machine learning to find the properties of atomic pieces of geometry, in…

Transposable elements study reveals potential methods to stop aging

Researchers Dr. Ádám Sturm and Dr. Tibor Vellai from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary have made an…

Radio signals reveal secrets of hidden supermassive black holes

Astronomers have found a striking link between the amount of dust surrounding a supermassive black hole…

Scientists make methanol at room temperature

A more sustainable method of creating methanol—a key component of fuels, plastics, and medicines—has been developed…

Newly discovered deep-sea enzyme breaks down PET plastic

Plastic pollution is increasingly affecting the health of coasts and oceans. One well-known problem is plastic…

Scientists discover a new way to test for life on Mars

Space scientists have discovered a new process to test for life on Mars and on Earth,…

Modeling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Studying prehistoric production processes of birch bark tar using computational modeling reveals the kinds of cognition…