Webb telescope captures colorful Cartwheel Galaxy

The James Webb Space Telescope has peered through time and huge amounts of dust to capture…

Hessian remains unearthed at Revolutionary War battle site

Researchers believe they have uncovered in a mass grave in New Jersey the remains of as…

Vaquita porpoises escape extinction longer than expected

Projections previously indicated that the vaquita could be extinct by now but, while they remain the…

Researchers identify the high-efficiency hacks cannabis cells use to make cannabinoids

For the first time, plant biologists have defined the high-efficiency “hacks” that cannabis cells use to…

Researchers discover one of the largest known bacteria-to-animal gene transfers inside a fruit fly

A fruit fly genome is not a just made up of fruit fly DNA—at least for…

Computer modelling aims to inform restoration, conservation of coral reefs

A UBC Okanagan research team has created a computer modeling program to help scientists predict the…

Nanoscale observations simplify how scientists describe earthquake movement

Using single calcite crystals with varying surface roughness allows engineers to simplify the complex physics that…

Developing a new approach for building quantum computers

Quantum computing, though still in its early days, has the potential to dramatically increase processing power…

Earlier wheat planting will boost yields in eastern India

Adjusting the sowing dates for wheat in eastern India will increase untapped potential production by 69%,…

Optical imaging of dynamic interactions between molecules in a cell

Researchers develop the ‘photoswitching fingerprint analysis’. A unique technology that for the first time allows the…