EME SSTV Party Could Become an Annual Event

Many stations are reported to have made Earth-moon-Earth (EME) SSTV transmissions on last year’s 50th anniversary…

A 'feeling' for dementia? New findings on subjectively perceived memory problems

A research team concludes that personal perception can be an important indicator for the early detection…

New cobalt-free lithium-ion battery reduces costs without sacrificing performance

Researchers say they’ve cracked the code to a cobalt-free high-energy lithium-ion battery, eliminating the cobalt and…

Dehydration increases amphibian vulnerability to climate change

Amphibians have few options to avoid the underappreciated one-two punch of climate change, according to a…

How galaxies die: New insights into the quenching of star formation

Astronomers studying galaxy evolution have long struggled to understand what causes star formation to shut down…

Synthetic mRNAs modified with sulfur atoms boost efficient protein synthesis

Since mRNAs play a key role in protein synthesis in vivo, the use of mRNAs as…

Ancient DNA from Doggerland separates the U.K. from Europe

Thousands of years ago the UK was physically joined to the rest of Europe through an…

New phenomena discovered on the Sun

A new Sun-observing mission led by ESA and NASA — Solar Orbiter — has returned its…

Review of microfinance studies finds many flaws, no conclusions

What do we know about microfinance—often touted as the solution for the economic woes of developing…

250,000 tonnes of shipping CO2 emissions saved thanks to machine learning insight

Maritime engineers have trained an energy shipping app to save over a quarter of a million…