New dinosaur discovery in Switzerland fills a gap in evolutionary history of sauropods

Dinosaurs were the dominant group of animals on Earth for over 150 million years. Long-necked, plant-eating…

Remote jury trials during COVID-19: what one project found about fairness and technology

On March 23 2020, jury trials in England and Wales were suspended in response to COVID-19.…

Coronavirus: how lockdown exposed food insecurity in a small Bangladeshi city

The COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as far more than a health crisis for the world’s poor…

Predicting X-ray absorption spectra from graphs

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a popular characterization technique for probing the local atomic structure and…

An effective climate change solution may lie in rocks beneath our feet

Why has Earth’s climate remained so stable over geological time? The answer just might rock you. …

Your pension has a huge role to play in combating climate change – here's how to make it sustainable

The onus to live sustainably has never been greater. It drives everyday actions from making sure…

Closest images ever taken of the sun show 'campfires' near its surface

The European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft has captured the closest ever images of the sun,…

The origins of nearly coplanar, non-resonant systems of close-in super-Earths

The origins of nearly coplanar, non-resonant systems of close-in super-Earths Click here for original…

Main Belt Asteroid Science in the Decade 2023-2032: Fundamental Science Questions and Recommendations on behalf of the Small Bodies Assessment Group

Main Belt Asteroid Science in the Decade 2023-2032: Fundamental Science Questions and Recommendations on behalf of…

The Science Case for Spacecraft Exploration of the Uranian Satellites

The Science Case for Spacecraft Exploration of the Uranian Satellites Click here for original…