Will we see a Starship test this week?

As we speak, engineers at SpaceX’s Boca Chica test facility are busy getting the fifth Starship…

How to elect the right leader by getting rid of our cognitive biases

Many countries are still holding elections despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Singapore just concluded its general election…

Air pollution affects brain development, but when does the damage start?

Emergency rooms in Barcelona were collapsing under the pressure. Hundreds of patients were arriving in desperate…

Certified 'sustainable' palm oil fields endanger mammal habitats and biodiverse tropical forests over 30 years

Global concern has risen around the “sustainability” of palm oil in terms of global exportation and…

Molecularly thin interface between polymers for efficient carbon dioxide capture membrane

Climate breakdown caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) emission into the atmosphere is a major existential problem…

Road verges could be havens for pollinators

Better-managed road verges can help boost pollinating insects, new research shows. Click here for…

NASA's Perseverance rover will scour Mars for signs of life

NASA’s most advanced Mars rover, Perseverance, launches from Earth on July 30, on a mission to…

UK unveils post-Brexit border plans and ad campaign

Britain on Monday launched another Brexit advertising blitz and unveiled its first detailed proposals for managing…

Humanity on Mars? Technically possible, but no voyage on horizon

Robotic landers and rovers have been touching down on Mars since the 1970s, but when will…

Paradise regained then lost: Med mammals mourn lockdown end

When Europeans retreated into their homes to observe strict stay-at-home rules to contain the coronavirus, dolphins…