Artificial energy source for muscle

Muscle physiologist sought an alternative energy source to replace the body’s usual one, adenosine triphosphate (ATP).…

5,000 years of history of domestic cats in Central Europe

A loner and a hunter with highly developed territorial instincts, a cruel carnivore, a disobedient individual:…

Consumer-created social media visuals capture consumer brand perceptions

New research has found that there is a strong link between the visual portrayal of a…

Chance of big San Andreas earthquake increased by Ridgecrest temblors, study suggests

A new study suggests that last year’s Ridgecrest earthquakes increased the chance of a large earthquake…

Astrophysicists suggest carbon found in comet ATLAS help reveal age of other comets

Astrophysicists from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Russia), South Korea, and the U.S. appear in Monthly…

Listeria protein provides a CRISPR 'kill switch'

A single protein derived from a common strain of bacteria found in the soil will offer…

Bird droppings carry risk of antibiotic resistance

Bird poop may pose more health risks than people realize, according to Rice University environmental engineers…

Researchers develop new technique for production of plasmonics devices

Research laboratories are constantly developing new materials that are expected to exhibit novel properties bound to…

New solar material could clean drinking water

Providing clean water to soldiers in the field and citizens around the world is essential, and…

Echolocation is costly for small bats when they're calling loudly

Calling in the ultrasonic range enables small bats to orient themselves in the dark and track…