All-in-one device uses microwave power for defense, medicine

An invention from innovators may provide a new option to use directed energy for biomedical and…

Blood test for depression, bipolar disorder

Worldwide, 1 in 4 people will suffer from a depressive episode in their lifetime. While current…

PIA24519: Mawrth Vallis – False Color

           Target: Mars Mission:  2001 Mars Odyssey Instrument:  THEMIS Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Click here…

How Japanese speakers confuse the pronunciations of /hi/ and /si/

According to a linguistic survey report, people often confuse the pronunciation of /hi/ with that of…

Particle physics: Will muons lead us towards a new physics?

Particle physics: Will muons lead us towards a new physics? Click here for original…

Weather radar for ecological forecasting can lessen hazards for migratory birds

Forecasts aren’t just for the weather. Scientists can use weather radar and related technology to chart…

Year of the quiet ocean: Emerging ocean listening network will study seas uniquely quieted by COVID

Travel and economic slowdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic combined to put the brakes on shipping,…

3D imaging creates molecular maps of hidden microbial communities on coral reefs

Researchers from the University of Hawai’i (UH) at Mānoa, University of British Columbia (UBC), San Diego…

First results from Fermilab's Muon g-2 experiment strengthen evidence of new physics

First results from Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment strengthen evidence of new physics Click here…

Field guides: Argonne scientists bolster evidence of new physics in Muon g-2 experiment

Field guides: Argonne scientists bolster evidence of new physics in Muon g-2 experiment Click…