Secrets of gorilla communication laid bare

Scientists reveal how male gorillas tell others how big and strong they are by chest beating. …

Researchers report breakthrough that enables practical semiconductor spintronics

It may be possible in the future to use information technology where electron spin is used…

After Hurricane Maria, rhesus macaques in Puerto Rico sought out new social relationships

Natural disasters have a way of bringing people together to rebuild. Now, researchers reporting in the…

Gorillas do not bluff when they beat their chests: Honest signaling indicates body size

The gorilla chest beat is one of the most emblematic sounds in the animal kingdom. However,…

Early dispersal of neolithic domesticated sheep into the heart of central Asia

Along the Tian Shan and Alay mountain ranges of Central Asia, sheep and other domestic livestock…

Pre-Proposers Conference for NASA HERO Appendices E&F on April 14

Pre-Proposers Conference for NASA HERO Appendices E&F on April 14 Click here for original…

Satellites monitor Mount Etna’s unpredictable behaviour

Italy’s Mount Etna, Europe’s most active volcano, has recently been on explosive form, with 17 eruptions…

Global network to eavesdrop on oceans quieted by COVID

Scientists will take advantage of an unprecedented fall in shipping activity to listen in to the…

Asteroid crater on Earth provides clues about Martian craters

The almost 15-million-year-old Nördlinger Ries is an asteroid impact crater filled with lake sediments. Its structure…

French 4,000-year-old carving is oldest map in Europe: study

A Bronze-age slab first uncovered in 1900 in western France is the oldest map in Europe,…