Blue Dunes on the Red Planet

A sea of dark dunes, sculpted by the wind into long lines, surrounds Mars’ northern polar…

New modeling provides greater scrutiny for supply chains

Unethical or destructive practices can be hidden within supply chains bringing us items we want and…

Metal contamination of aquatic environments also threatens birds on land

The negative impact of metals in polluted lakes on aquatic organisms may also adversely affect insectivorous…

Research shows cytonemes distribute Wnt proteins in vertebrate tissue

Scientists have made a pivotal breakthrough in understanding the way in which cells communicate with each…

Research gives new insight into formation of the human embryo

Pioneering research led by experts from the University of Exeter’s Living Systems Institute has provided new…

Colorado River basin due for more frequent, intense hydroclimate events

In the vast Colorado River basin, climate change is driving extreme, interconnected events among earth-system elements…

Packed and ready

The sunshield of the James Webb Space Telescope is now successfully packed and ready for the…

New study explains Mycobacterium tuberculosis high resistance to drugs and immunity

A consortium of researchers from Russia, Belarus, Japan, Germany and France led by a Skoltech scientist…

NASA's Odyssey orbiter marks 20 historic years of mapping Mars

NASA’s 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft launched 20 years ago on April 7, making it the oldest…

NASA's OSIRIS-REx completes final tour of asteroid Bennu

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx completed its last flyover of Bennu around 6 a.m. EDT (4 a.m. MDT) April…