NASA ROSES-21 Amendment 4: B.5 LWS Science Final Text and Due Dates

NASA ROSES-21 Amendment 4: B.5 LWS Science Final Text and Due Dates Click here…

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #938 26 February 2021 (Space Life Science Research Results)

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #938 26 February 2021 (Space Life Science Research Results) …

Radioactivity in meteorites sheds light on origin of heaviest elements in our solar system

A team of international researchers went back to the formation of the solar system 4.6 billion…

Republican and Democratic voters agree on one thing—the need for generous COVID-19 relief

Both Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly favor politicians who support generous COVID-19 relief spending, yet remain deeply…

Exposure to diverse career paths can help fill labor market 'skills gap'

When Patrick Rottinghaus began college, he had no idea what he wanted to do with his…

Cerium sidelines silver to make drug precursor

Save your silver! It’s better used for jewelry than as a catalyst for drugs. …

Engineering the boundary between 2D and 3D materials

In recent years, engineers have found ways to modify the properties of some “two- dimensional” materials,…

Agents of food-borne zoonoses confirmed to parasitise newly-recorded in Thailand snails

Parasitic flatworms known as agents of food-borne zoonoses were confirmed to use several species of thiarid…

Measuring the tRNA world

Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) deliver specific amino acids to ribosomes during translation of messenger RNA into proteins.…

Quantum quirk yields giant magnetic effect, where none should exist

In a twist befitting the strange nature of quantum mechanics, physicists have discovered the Hall effect…