Nanomedicine activation profile determines efficacy depending on tumor c-Myc expression

The Innovation Center of NanoMedicine reported in ACS Nano together with the group of Prof. Yu…

Under climate stress, human innovation set stage for population surge

Climate alone is not a driver for human behavior. The choices that people make in the…

How housing discrimination affects environmental inequality

Economists and urban planners generally agree that local pollution sources disproportionally impact racial minorities in the…

Light-emitting tattoo engineered for the first time

Scientists at UCL and the IIT—Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) have created a…

Maternal instincts lead to social life of bees

The maternal care of offspring is one of the behavioral drivers that has led some bee…

New research on artificial microswimmers uncovers a possible solution  for delivering targeted cancer treatments

A Mason Engineering researcher has discovered that artificial microswimmers accumulate where their speed is minimized, an…

Retroviruses are re-writing the koala genome and causing cancer

The koala retrovirus (KoRV) is a virus which, like other retroviruses such as HIV, inserts itself…

Pesticide imidacloprid threatens future for key pollinator

An insecticide used to control pest infestations on squash and pumpkins significantly hinders the reproduction of…

American incomes surge in January due to pandemic aid

An injection of pandemic aid filled Americans’ wallets last month, though spending rose modestly, according to…

Novel catalysts improve efficiency of urea synthesis at ambient conditions

Converting both nitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into value-added urea molecules via C-N coupling reaction…