Hubble spots vagabond comet near Jupiter's asteroids

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope snapped this image of the young comet P/2019 LD2 as it…

Changing the silkworm's diet to spin stronger silk

Tohoku University researchers have produced cellulose nanofiber (CNF) synthesized silk naturally through a simple tweak to…

Using deep-sea fiber optic cables to detect earthquakes

Seismologists at Caltech working with optics experts at Google have developed a method to use existing…

What geologists see when they look at Perseverance's landing site

Geologists love fieldwork. They love getting their specialized hammers and chisels into seams in the rock,…

Signal transduction without signal-receptor clusters can direct cell movement

Body cells communicate with each other, receive signals from the outside world and react to them.…

Mary W. Jackson: NASA's First Female African American Engineer

On Feb. 25, 2021, the NASA Headquarters Building in Washington D.C. was officially renamed after Mary…

Scientists investigate Walker breakdown in 3-D magnetic nanowires

Physicists from Russia, Chile, Brazil, Spain and the U.K., have studied how the magnetic properties change…

Petroleum engineers develop technology to simulate mechanical properties of subterranean rock

A test facility simulating rock positions was developed in Samara Polytech. It allows carrying out many…

Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic

Eminent scientists warn that key ecosystems around Australia and Antarctica are collapsing, and propose a three-step…

Automated weed and feed: Developing a smart crop sprayer

Conventional crop-spraying with herbicide to kill weeds among a crop wastes a lot of the herbicide…