Fungus that eats fungus could help coffee farmers

Coffee rust is a parasitic fungus and a big problem for coffee growers around the world.…

A team of climatologists is studying how to minimize errors in observed climate trend

The instrumental climate record is the cultural heritage of humankind, the result of the diligent work…

Creating a 3-D-printed bioresorbable airway stent

Narrowing of the trachea or the main bronchi due to injury or illness can end very…

Marmoset monkeys eavesdrop and understand conversations between other marmosets

Humans continuously observe and evaluate interactions between third parties to decide with whom to interact in…

New study uncovers rare 'mud carapace' mortuary treatment of Egyptian mummy

New analysis of a 20th Dynasty mummified individual reveals her rare mud carapace, according to a…

13-year analysis sheds new light on wheat crop disease patterns in Ethiopia

A new study of wheat rust—a fungal disease that can harm wheat crops—identifies previously unknown long-term…

Martian landslides caused by underground salts and melting ice?

A team of researchers led by SETI Institute Senior Research Scientist Janice Bishop, a member of…

Pioneering technique paves way for fast and cheap fabrication of rapid medical diagnostic tools

New technology developed by the University of Bristol has the potential to accelerate uptake and development…

Scientists believe studies by colleagues are more prone to biases than their own studies

The properties of human mind affect the quality of scientific knowledge through the insertion of unconscious…

Sneakerheads, not hypebeasts: Defining a sneaker-driven sub-culture

Sneakers can be about style, history and even community. A new study reveals that for “Sneakerheads,”…