An analysis of the system-wide costs and benefits of using engineered nanomaterials on crop-based agriculture

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the U.S. has conducted an analysis of…

Experiment shows it is possible for fish to migrate via ingestion by birds

A team of researchers from the Danube Research Institute and the National Agricultural Research and Innovation…

Experimental peptide targets COVID-19

Using computational models of protein interactions, researchers at the MIT Media Lab and Center for Bits…

Coronavirus and wildfires combine to pose potential threat to Indigenous lives and lands

As National Geographic pointed out recently, Indigenous populations comprise less than five percent of the people…

'Unboil an egg' machine creates improved bacteria detector

Traditional fluorescent dyes to examine bacteria viability are toxic and suffer poor photostability—but using the VFD…

Lizards need their coffee, too: Could caffeine help bring threatened species back from the brink?

In an article just published in Conservation Physiology, Macquarie University’s Simon Clulow and colleagues reveal a…

CGCS 673 is a semi-regular variable carbon star, study finds

Astronomers from Malta and Spain have conducted an observational campaign aimed at investigating the periodic behavior…

Coronavirus school closures could widen inequities for our youngest students

COVID-19 may appear indiscriminate in how it infects people, but its greatest effect will be on…

Why zero-carbon homes must lead the green recovery from COVID-19

Living in a house that doesn’t fully meet your needs might have been tolerable when you…

New study reveals how metamorphosis has shaped the evolution of salamanders

A team of scientists, led by Natural History Museum postdoctoral researcher Dr. Anne-Claire Fabre, have conducted…