Quantum physics provides a way to hide ignorance

Students can hide their ignorance and answer questions correctly in an exam without their lack of…

Research reveals how volcanic eruptions affect El Niño

El Niño events––major warmings of the tropical Pacific Ocean occurring every two to seven years—have significant…

Simple yet effective ways to act on climate change: Tips for everyday life

In 2019, during the first year of her master’s studies in the Creative Sustainability (CS) program,…

Nanomaterials used as broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents for first time

In a significant breakthrough in the battle against antibiotic resistance, a research team from the Indian…

Illumination technique for cell surface receptors developed by researchers

Human cells sense and communicate via cell surface receptors. Information about the environment is relayed to…

Chronobiology: Researchers identify genes that tell plants when to flower

How do plants know when it is time to flower? Researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg…

New study reveals use of antibiotics on crops is more widespread than previously thought

The world is aware of the overuse of antibiotics and the development of resistance in bacterial…

Bacteria are always at war. Understanding their use of weapons may lead to antibiotic alternatives

A small glimmer of light passes from one bacterium to another. Under the microscope it might…

Calcium helps build strong cells

Every time you flex your bicep or stretch your calf muscle, you put your cells under…

Unearthing new dingo truths

Where did dingoes come from and when? Who brought them and what can this tell us…