Helping to protect the most illegally trafficked mammals in the world

As China upgrades pangolins to the highest protected status level, an alternative approach to using long…

Bread mould avoids infection by mutating its own DNA

Whilst most organisms try to stop their DNA from mutating, scientists from the UK and China…

Not so robust: Robusta coffee more sensitive to warming than previously thought

Even the toughest coffee trees may be no match for climate change. A new study of…

Research sheds new light on the role of sea ice in controlling atmospheric carbon levels

A new study has highlighted the crucial role that sea ice across the Southern Ocean played…

When planting trees threatens the forest

Campaigns to plant huge numbers of trees could backfire, according to a new study that is…

'Robotic soft matter' bends, rotates and crawls when hit with light

Northwestern University researchers have developed a family of soft materials that imitates living creatures. …

Artificial night sky poses serious threat to coastal species

The artificial lighting which lines the world’s coastlines could be having a significant impact on species…

Changing environment at home genetically primes invasive species to take over abroad

University of Wisconsin-Madison scientists have found that a constantly fluctuating environment can enable some species to…

Evidence supports 'hot start' scenario and early ocean formation on Pluto

The accretion of new material during Pluto’s formation may have generated enough heat to create a…

Planting new forests is part of but not the whole solution to climate change

The large-scale planting of new forests in previously tree-free areas, a practice known as afforestation, is…