IOV fairing ejection – Image

Credits: ESA -. P. Carril, 2011

Galileo IOV satellites placed on dispenser – Video

Credits: ESA

ESTEC Techno-Days to highlight ESA’s technology development

The largest imaging telescope flying in space today is European: Herschel possesses twice Hubble’s observing area.…

One-year-in-isolation photo – Image

Credits: ESA

Ares Vallis in high resolution

Oraibi crater is about 32 km across and situated in Ares Vallis on Mars. The crater…

Stellar occultation at Venus – Image

Credits: ESA (Animation by AOES Medialab)

Oraibi crater in Ares Vallis – Image

Credits: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

Spitsbergen, Norway’s largest island – Image

Credits: ESA

Spitsbergen, Norway’s largest island

Spitsbergen, Norway’s largest island, is pictured in this image, acquired on 6 September 2011 by Envisat’s…

Galileo In-Orbit Validation satellite – Image

Credits: ESA