Brazil’s greenhouse gas emissions fall 2.3 percent in 2017

A civil society organization says greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil dropped last year mainly because of…

Brazil’s greenhouse gas emissions fall 2.3 percent in 2017

A civil society organization says greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil dropped last year mainly because of…

David Attenborough: Climate ‘biggest threat in thousands of years’

The television presenter is to urge greater action in a major speech at UN climate talks…

Paradise regained? Experts call for European approach to US housing

With the embers still raining from blackened skies choked by California's massive wildfires, the effort turns…

Paradise regained? Experts call for European approach to US housing

With the embers still raining from blackened skies choked by California's massive wildfires, the effort turns…

Blocks found in Egypt bear name of famed pharaoh’s builder

Egypt says archaeologists digging in Cairo have found two blocks of limestone with inscriptions belonging to…

Blocks found in Egypt bear name of famed pharaoh’s builder

Egypt says archaeologists digging in Cairo have found two blocks of limestone with inscriptions belonging to…

NASA sees Tropical Storm Man-yi approaching typhoon strength Tropical Storm Man-Yi con

Tropical Storm Man-Yi continued to strengthen in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean as NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite…

NASA sees Tropical Storm Man-yi approaching typhoon strength Tropical Storm Man-Yi con

Tropical Storm Man-Yi continued to strengthen in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean as NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite…

NASA sees tropical depression 33W enter the Sulu Sea

Tropical Depression 33W moved through the central Philippines and entered the Sulu Sea when NASA-NOAA's Suomi…