Ongoing spill in Mexico is flooding Tijuana River with millions of gallons of raw sewage

The equivalent of more than 6 million gallons a day of raw sewage has been spilling…

Swarming behavior discovered in fish-dwelling parasite

Johns Hopkins researchers have observed a previously unrecognized behavior in a single-celled parasite called Spironucleus vortens,…

Septin proteins act as cellular police to identify, imprison and kill ‘superbug’ Shigella

Using state-of-the art technologies to image human cells and study infection at the level of a…

Robot makes world-first baby coral delivery to Great Barrier Reef

Ecology and technology have combined to give nature a helping hand, using a robot to deliver…

New early warning system could protect vulnerable islands from flooding

A recently developed early warning system can forecast floods on coral-lined coasts worldwide and could help…

After a 1.2 billion-mile journey, a reward: There is water on the asteroid Bennu

Nineteen years ago, scientists discovered an asteroid oscillating between the orbits of Earth and Mars. In…

New techniques better determine how ancient viral DNA influences human genes

New laboratory techniques can identify which of our genes are influenced by DNA snippets that are…

Virgin Galactic crew takes off for space in flight milestone

A Virgin Galactic space tourism vehicle took off from California's Mojave desert under clear skies on…

Voters shrug as energized House Democrats vow action on climate

Polls show climate change still lags health care, jobs, immigration and the federal budget deficit among…

Nature is a rich source of medicine – if we can protect it

The Pacific yew tree is a fairly small and slow growing conifer native to the Pacific…