Elucidation of vibration energy of a single molecule in an external force field

The vibration of a molecule on a surface contains critical information on the molecule-surface interaction, crucial…

Topic-adjusted visibility metric for scientific articles

An NUS statistician has developed a metric that automatically accounts for citation variations in different disciplines…

Identification of bovine IVF embryos without chromosome abnormalities by live-cell imaging

In vitro fertilized (IVF) embryo transfer has become an important innovation in the agricultural sectors, such…

Climate geoengineering research should include developing countries

Placing giant mirrors in orbit to reflect sunlight before it reaches Earth and launching millions of…

Mixed forests: Ecologically and economically superior

Mixed forests are more productive than monocultures. This is true on all five continents, and particularly…

For how long will the USA remain the Nobel Prize leader?

Since first being awarded in 1901, most Nobel Prizes for science have gone to the U.S.,…

Brood parasitism in fish

There are other animals besides the cuckoo who smuggle their offspring into another animal's nest. The…

SpaceX set to launch new rocket primed for future crewed missions

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - An updated version of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, tailored for…

Western Europe from Sentinel-3B

Launched on 25 April 2018, the Sentinel-3B satellite has already delivered impressive first images from its…

Western Europe from Sentinel-3B

Launched on 25 April 2018, the Sentinel-3B satellite has already delivered impressive first images from its…