Bad weather delays shuttle landing to Friday

NASA postponed shuttle Discovery's homecoming until Friday due to bad weather at the Florida landing site,…

No Go for KSC Landing Today

The weather forecast is "no go" for tonight's second landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center because…

Second Landing Opportunity Waved Off

With the weather not cooperating Thursday for a second landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center, space…

Crew to Begin Fluid Loading, Suiting Up

Mission control has given the crew a "go" to start fluid loading. It involves drinking large…

Dynamic Weather Closely Watched

The weather at the Kennedy Space Center is being monitored for a planned deorbit burn at…

Communications Successfully Established

Payload Bay Doors Closed

The STS-128 crew has closed Discovery’s payload bay doors. The weather conditions at Kennedy Space Center…

HTV/H-IIB Successfully Launched!!

[release] Launch Result of HTV Demonstration Flight aboard H-IIB Launch Vehicle Test Flight (H-IIB TF1)

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) Demonstration

Discovery Performs Orbital Adjustment Burn

Space shuttle Discovery performed an orbital adjustment burn at 12:02 p.m. EDT to avoid an unidentified…