Crew to Transfer Equipment; Install Experiment Racks

“What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong was played as a wakeup song for Christer Fuglesang…

ESA astronauts Frank De Winne and Christer Fuglesang work inside the Harmony module – Image

Credits: ESA/NASA

39th IOS breaks ground to prepare for cyber-demand future Hurlburt Field

New Science to Board Station; Crew to Set Up Quarters

Several science experiments will be transferred from the Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module to the International Space…

Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery on the STS-128 mission – Video

Credits: NASA

First Spacewalk of STS-128 Mission Complete

The first of three STS-128 spacewalks concluded Wednesday at 12:24 a.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours,…

NASA Invites Reporters to Observe Robots

NASA will hold the annual Desert "RATS," or Research and Technology Studies, field test in the…

NASA Partners to Revolutionize Personal Transportation

The morning commute may never be the same.

NASA Sets Discovery, Space Station Crew News Conference

The 13 crew members flying aboard space shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station will hold…

Working in a Vacuum

Discovery spacewalker Danny Olivas at work during the STS-128 mission's first spacewalk. During the six-hour, 35-minute…