Queensland floods

Earth observation image of the week: Copernicus Sentinel-2 shows muddy waters flowing into the Coral Sea…

Creativity is not just for the young, study finds

If you believe that great scientists are most creative when they’re young, you are missing part…

Earth from space: Queesland floods

In this week’s edition of the Earth from Space programme, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us…

Earth from space: Queensland floods

In this week’s edition of the Earth from Space programme, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us…

The day the asteroid might hit

For the first time, ESA will cover a major international asteroid impact exercise live via social…

Dartmouth’s Mars Greenhouse Wins 2019 NASA BIG Idea Challenge

A team from Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering that designed a greenhouse for Mars has been…

The Giant Galaxy Around the Giant Black Hole

This image from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope shows the entire M87 galaxy in infrared light. The…

Climate change: Is Greta Thunberg right about UK carbon emissions?

Teenager Greta Thunberg said the UK’s carbon emissions reduction relied on “creative accounting”. Click here for…

NASA Invites Media to Learn More About Near-Earth Asteroids, Comets

NASA Invites Media to Learn More About Near-Earth Asteroids, Comets Click here for original story, NASA…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 25 April 2019

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 25 April 2019 Click here for original story,…