Earth formed from dry, rocky building blocks

A new study shows that the so-called planetesimals that accreted together to form Earth must have…

Know your audience: Why data communication needs to pay attention to novice users

Computer scientists recently found that data-visualization experts have no agreed-upon understanding of who makes up one…

Lasering lava to forecast volcanic eruptions

University of Queensland researchers have optimized a new technique to help forecast how volcanoes will behave,…

Hand odor can reveal a person's sex, study shows

The profile of scent compounds from a person’s hand can be used to predict their sex,…

Children's nature drawings reveal a focus on mammals and birds, suggesting imbalances in ecological awareness

When asked to draw their local wildlife, 401 UK schoolchildren aged seven to 11 most commonly…

Study shows the Earth formed from dry, rocky building blocks

Billions of years ago, in the giant disk of dust, gas, and rocky material that orbited…

We must address a key obstacle to our new age of space exploration

Advances in rocket technology are exciting, but we need to investigate how non-terrestrial gravity affects astronauts’…

How to spot Jupiter's icy moons

Jupiter’s Galilean moons are promising places to look for life. Now is a great time to…

Investigating how men and women react differently to humor

How do men react to jokes that make fun of them? Researchers at the Universities of…

New plant invader takes over Eastern forests

A pretty ornamental shrub from Japan found in many people’s yards is sprouting wild in an…