Entering a new era of 3D printing for DNAs and proteins

Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is a useful technique that has been widely utilized in our lives, ranging…

Improving your work-life balance can make you a more effective leader at work

Silencing your notifications and ignoring your email at the end of the workday could make you…

Examining early grain development in bread wheat

Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a pivotal staple food crop, providing about 20% of calories…

Study offers a radical way to think about agriculture and its potential benefits for farming

On November 15, 2022, the 8 billionth person on the planet was born. With concerns about…

Food survey: Consumers trust and value product labels

Americans tend to trust food labels, especially the ingredient list, expiration date and nutrition fact label,…

High-pressure structure of a unique 2D ferromagnet clarified in recent study

According to research published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Prof. Ding Junfeng from Institute…

Webb shows areas of new star formation and galactic evolution

On Oct. 11, 2022, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope spent over 20 hours observing the long-studied…

Researchers confirm the existence of HD 169142 b, the third protoplanet confirmed to date

An international team of researchers from the University of Liège (Belgium) and Monash University (Australia) has…

A new way to make a virus-fighting protein could save lives during the next pandemic

A multidisciplinary research team has produced a promising virus-fighting protein using a quick, portable process that…

A fiber-tapering technique that combines plasmonic heaters and deformed optical fibers

Optical micro and nanofibers (MNFs) have extensive applications in nonlinearity generation, near-field optics, quantum optics, and…