Investigating the nanomechanical properties of the surface layers of hair fibers

A project led by Ella Hudson, Ph.D. Researcher at The University of Sheffield, seeks to ascertain…

VIIRS sensor on NOAA-21 now collecting new imagery

The Visible and Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the recently launched NOAA-21 satellite started collecting…

NASA's Perseverance rover set to begin third year at Jezero Crater

After completing the first sample depot on another world, the rover continues its hunt for Mars…

New type of bolometer detector for far-infrared telescopes

To study how stars and planets are born we have to look at star cradles hidden…

Wine connoisseurs face testing times as climate change alters flavors

Global warming is affecting vineyards and the taste of wines. Click here for original…

Electrocatalysis: Iron and cobalt oxyhydroxides examined

Very soon, we need to become fossil free, not only in the energy sector, but in…

Food quality matters for southern resident killer whales

Not all Chinook salmon are created equal, and this has a major impact on the energetics…

How the Mongolian gerbil may help speed recovery of a rare inner ear problem

Scientists develop testing model to enhance understanding of a condition known as ‘third window syndrome.’ …

IARU Holds First 2023 Meeting

The 56th meeting of the Administrative Council of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was held…

New study maps transience of NZ population

The nationwide geospatial study—’Towards a better understanding of residential mobility and the environments in which adults…