ISS Daily Summary Report – 2/17/2023

Payloads: Actiwatch-Plus: Four Actiwatch Plus devices were connected to the HRF Payload Drawer on HRF Rack…

Can the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework fulfill its transformative potential?

With the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework now set, attention turns to…

Scientists warn that many dangerous feedback loops make climate action more urgent

A new report written by an international team of researchers, including scientists from Oregon State University…

Evolution: Mini-proteins in human organs appeared 'from nowhere'

Every biologist knows that small structures can sometimes have a big impact: Millions of signaling molecules,…

Bouvet Island DXpedition Wraps Up

The 3Y0J activation of Bouvet Island has finished. The team concluded operations at 3:00 UTC on…

Space travel influences the way the brain works

Scientists have found how the human brain changes and adapts to weightlessness, after being in space…

Astrophysics: Scientists observe high-speed star formation

New observations have brought to light that stars can form through the dynamic interaction of gas…

Electronic metadevices break barriers to ultra-fast communications

EPFL researchers have come up with a new approach to electronics that involves engineering metastructures at…

Private forest landowners in Pennsylvania want to use controlled fire to manage their woods

Managers of public forests in Pennsylvania have been using controlled burns to manage state-owned tracts to…

Is kindness contagious?

Imagine that you’re approaching your favorite coffee shop, when your eyes are suddenly drawn toward an…