Hard-working Colombian beetles clean garbage, retire as pets

Three yellow-and-black beetles clung to the shirt of Germán Viasus Tibamoso, a Colombian environmental engineer who…

Catalonia limits water use as Spain prays for rain

Barcelona and large swathes of Spain’s northeast are going under water restrictions as a months-long drought…

Orion’s Optical Navigation Camera Captures Earth

NASA’s uncrewed Orion spacecraft snapped this black and white photo of Earth on Nov. 17, 2022,…

Study demonstrates how microplastic particles differ across the Atlantic Ocean

The waters of the North Atlantic gyre contain significantly greater quantities of plastic—composed of polymers arising…

NASA Invites Public Comment on Plans for Mars Sample Return Campaign

NASA is seeking public comments on a draft environmental impact statement for the agency’s Mars Sample…

New research reveals invisible meteors

In a new thesis from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and Umeå University, unique methods…

The James Webb telescope shows how starlight transforms a distant, Jupiter-like planet

Scientists studying a gas giant planet have found that it’s partly cloudy and that its atmosphere…

Neutrons expose crystal structure of elusive carbonic acid for the first time

The existence of carbonic acid has long been the subject of debate: theoretically real, but practically…

Drinking during pregnancy changes baby's brain structure

A new MRI study revealed that consumption of alcohol even in low to moderate amounts during…

International team observes innermost structure of quasar jet

Scientists have observed the narrowing of a quasar jet for the first time by using a…