A new way to spot methane leaks globally

A team of researchers from the Netherlands, the U.S. and Canada has found a new way…

Whitehaven coal mine: Friends of the Earth to launch legal fight

Friends of the Earth claims the government “acted unlawfully” in approving the mine in Cumbria. …

Your style of social media use may be connected to your well-being

Are you a doom scroller or a Twitter addict? Do you pass the time by flicking…

Putting the bones of giant, extinct 'thunderbirds' under the microscope reveals how they grew

The largest flightless bird found anywhere in the world today is the ostrich. It stands about…

PIA25743: Crater Rim Channels

           Target: Mars Mission:  2001 Mars Odyssey Instrument:  THEMIS Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Click here…

How tracking technology is transforming our understanding of animal behavior

Biologging is the practice of attaching devices to animals so that scientific data can be collected.…

Researchers inspect gamma-ray flares of the blazar 3C 279

Using NASA’s Fermi spacecraft, Chinese astronomers have investigated the variability and spectral behavior of gamma-ray flares…

Disabled young people have less upward social mobility than their peers —and class background makes this worse

We know very little about the inequalities experienced by disabled people in the UK today. My…

Study investigates the evolution of X-ray binary system GX 301-2

Astronomers from Argentina and France have investigated the evolutionary history of an eccentric high-mass X-ray binary…

New 'semi-sub' shows spy potential of sailing at waterline

An unmanned semi-submersible vehicle may prove that the best way to travel in water undetected and…