A step towards solar fuels out of thin air

Chemical engineers have invented a solar-powered artificial leaf, built on a novel electrode which is transparent…

Clinical trial leads to atezolizumab approval for advanced alveolar soft part sarcoma

A clinical trial has resulted in the first approval of a treatment for advanced alveolar soft…

Space solar power technology demo launched into orbit

The launch represents the first in-situ test of the technology to harvest solar energy in space…

Common fatty acid contributes to temperature and pain sensitivity in psoriasis plaques

A common fatty acid found in the Western diet breaks down into compounds that contribute to…

Grb10 offers a potential new approach for treating obesity

A team of researchers has discovered that the protein Grb10 promotes leptin activity in the brain,…

Scientists develop a cool new method of refrigeration

Researchers have developed a new kind of heating and cooling method that they have named the…

Large volcanic outburst on Jupiter’s moon Io

A large volcanic outburst was discovered on Jupiter’s moon Io in the fall of 2022. Source…

Americans are taking more control over their work lives—because they have to

One thing that’s become clear in the past few tumultuous—and for many, traumatic—years is that it’s…

Are black holes time machines? Yes, but there's a catch

Black holes form natural time machines that allow travel to both the past and the future.…

Micro-aggressions are repeated acts that send women backwards. How micro-accommodations can fight back

When I was ten, I was the only female member of an all-boys sports team, and…