Hydrogen bonding promotes photocatalytic alcohol coupling

A research group led by Assoc. Prof. Luo Nengchao and Prof. Wang Feng from the Dalian…

Researchers unveil patterns of species diversity and determinants in temperate forest

The Qinling Mountains, which run east-west and serve as the geographical boundary between northern and southern…

Active monitoring needed in Australian modern slavery reporting regime

In only the second year of mandatory reporting, Australia’s top companies have made substantial improvements in…

Baby's vaccine responses linked to birth delivery method, study finds

The method by which a baby was delivered is associated with how its immune system will…

The hunt for disrupted brain signals behind autism

Part of understanding the underlying causes of autism spectrum disorder relies on figuring out which cells’…

Increased need for mental health care strains capacity

Demand for mental health treatment has continued to increase as many psychologists report no longer having…

How hormonal birth control may affect the adolescent brain

One aspect of hormonal contraceptives’ effect on the teenage body remains a mystery — whether and…

A chemical reaction as good as gold

A new study finds gold atoms could be key to unlocking organic (carbon-based) reactions, potential building…

Potential new lead compounds for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders

Currently, various classes of drugs are available for the treatment of mental illnesses — such as…

Cosmic chocolate pralines: General neutron star structure revealed

Through extensive model calculations, physicistshave reached general conclusions about the internal structure of neutron stars, where…