Natural substances show promise against coronavirus

Three natural compounds present in foods like green tea, olive oil and red wine are promising…

Next generation patient avatars: Expanding the possibilities with micro-organospheres

Scientists have developed improved methods for generating micro-organospheres (MOS) and have shown that they can be…

Simple method destroys dangerous 'forever chemicals,' making water safe

If you’re despairing at recent reports that Earth’s water sources have been thoroughly infested with hazardous…

Seeing universe's most massive known star

By harnessing the capabilities of the 8.1-meter Gemini South telescope in Chile, which is part of…

Next generation patient avatars: Expanding the possibilities with micro-organospheres

A team of scientists, led by Xiling Shen, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, and Professor at the…

How microchip imaging cytometry makes laboratory testing more economical, easy-to-use, and accessible

A new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances addresses scientific and technical advances in the field of microchip…

Active odd-mode-metachannel provides a new avenue to future single-conductor systems

A new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances discusses how active odd-mode-metachannel can provide a new avenue to…

Wildfire experts provide guidance for new research directions

As wildfires cause increasing devastation worldwide, dozens of fire experts across the nation are joining together…

Common ingredient in household products could be contributing to antibiotic resistance

A recent study by researchers at the University of Toronto has identified a chemical found in…

Study reveals novel mechanism behind epilepsy and drug modulation

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that arises from abnormal electrical activity in the brain leading to…