AAS Names Additional Recipients of 2022 Awards & Prizes

AAS Names Additional Recipients of 2022 Awards & Prizes Click here for original story,…

New insights into the movement of pine cone scales

Pine cones open when dry and close when wet. In this way, pine seeds are released…

Discovery of a tripole winter precipitation change pattern around the Tibetan Plateau in the late 1990s

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is referred to as the “water tower” of Asia for being home…

Kleos executes agreement with US Navy for maritime domain awareness exercise

Kleos executes agreement with US Navy for maritime domain awareness exercise Click here for…

Megalodon shark extinction may have been linked to great white competition

The great white shark could have helped push the megalodon to extinction through a battle for…

ISS Daily Summary Report – 5/31/2022

Payloads: Behavioral Core Measures (BCM): The crew performed two BCM research sessions consisting of a set…

Ultrafine atmospheric dust from exhaust gases of fossil fuels might cause weather extremes

Strong precipitation or extreme drought—the frequency of extreme weather events is increasing worldwide. Existing climate models,…

Decoding how a protein on the move keeps cells healthy

Cells produce proteins like little factories. But if they make too much at the wrong times…

How diverse microbial communities remain stable

Government coalitions often dissolve when too many parties disagree on too many issues. Even if a…

A Referee Primer for Early Career Astronomers

A Referee Primer for Early Career Astronomers Click here for original story, A Referee…